Coleman & Associates

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Aan Speaks at TX ASLA Conference - “Women Taking Landscape Leadership by the Horns”

We couldn’t be prouder of our very own Aan Coleman, who was a panelist in the “Women Taking Landscape Leadership by the Horns” discussion at this year’s Texas ASLA conference! Hear her speak about her personal journey to becoming a firm founder and industry leader, and listen to four of her professional peers (Margaret Robinson, Asakura Robinson; Rebecca Leonard, Lionheart; Christy Ten Eyck, Ten Eyck Landscape Architecture; Elizabeth Gilbert, Clark Condon Associates) share their stories. They talk challenges – the requirement to always be learning (everything from expense reporting to discerning their firm’s identity to creating a collaborative office culture), saying yes to projects bigger than they thought they could handle, and balancing personal lives with professional ones – as well as successes and what’s led them to where they are today. With backgrounds in computer science, engineering, architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, and more, they encourage aspiring female designers to pursue their passions and consider firm ownership in their own career paths.